Hello! I'm Jason!
#About me: I'm a Cloud Management Solutions Architect with Red Hat. I specialize in CloudForms - based on the ManageIQ project - and Ansible. In my role, I do a lot of deep dive demos, workshops, and proof of concept implementations for public sector customers. I also come up with custom automation processes to show off some of the things CloudForms and Ansible can do together.
I put most everything I do up on Github. Some of the current repos I'm working on include:
- Ansiblized CloudForms Deployment: Automated deployment of CloudForms using Ansible. Supports multi-appliance deployments configuring appliances as DB, UI, or workers. Video:
- OCP Deployment & Scaling: Deploy a multi-node OpenShift environment in RHV, OpenStack or VMware, and scale out nodes on demand. This is really intended to deploy OpenShift from a CloudForms service catalog item (and add nodes as a catalog item or as a response to an alert/event). Videop:
- CloudForms/Satellite/Ansible OpenScap: Use Ansibles to trigger OpenScap scans & remediation using Satellite 6 OpenScap profiles. Intended to be called from custom buttons in CloudForms.
- Linux Playbooks: Some basic Linux playbooks to do things like register with RHSM/Satellite, join an IdM/IPA domain, install updates, etc.
- Windows Playbooks: Windows Ansible playooks to install updates, join an AD domain, install IIS, install SQL Express (could be used for full SQL I suppose), and add local users.
- Azure Migration - DEPRECATED: CloudForms Ruby code to migrate an on-prem VM (running on Hyper-V or vSphere) to Azure. Deprecated due to the dependency on the no longer supported MS VM Conversion Toolkit, and the fact that MS keeps making syntax changes to Azure PowerShell modules, which this relies on. Still, I'm putting this up here in case anyone wants to try to use it as a foundation for similar work. Video: